Successful exit for HTGF: LexisNexis expands its Intellectual Property Solutions suite with the acquisition of IPlytics

9. November 2022

November 9th 2022 – LexisNexis Legal & Professional, part of RELX, today announced that it has acquired IPlytics, a leading IP intelligence company that enables the analysis of technology landscapes and competition for industries where standards and patents matter by providing access to multiple databases connecting patents, Standard Essential Patents (SEPs), standards, and technical standards contributions. The acquisition extends the vision of LexisNexis Intellectual Property Solutions to bring clarity to innovation and help companies worldwide to be more effective at bringing meaningful innovations into the world. 

Tim Pohlmann, Founder and CEO of IPlytics, says: “It is with great enthusiasm that we join forces with LexisNexis Intellectual Property Solutions. When we began discussions with LexisNexis, we immediately saw the huge potential to jointly drive innovation. At our core, we want to transform the future of market intelligence through better data and analytics and radically change how companies interact with business-critical information. This collaboration allows us to realize this vision.”

Tobias Schulz, Principal at HTGF, comments: “It is great to see that the IPlytics GmbH, with its Patent Analytics software, was acquired by the RELX Group and can expand further under the roof of its subsidiary LexisNexis in the future. As an early backer of IPlytics, it was impressive to track how the software convinced customers around the world, straight out of Berlin.”

Markus Kreßmann, Partner at HTGF, adds: “IPlytics, with its market intelligence platform for analysing patents, industry alliances and standards, was a perfect fit with HTGF’s DNA right away. The team around Dr Tim Pohlmann has taken a great development in the last years and the acquisition by RELX is now the next logical step to scale the product worldwide.”


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