ICO-LUX was founded in 2018 as a spin-off of the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena and the TU Ilmenau and is specialized in software for automated document forensics. With ICO.Fraud for private health insurance companies, the start-up is the only provider of a software solution for fully automatic detection of forged documents to date. Customers are currently mainly private health insurance companies. ICO-LUX has 7 employees at its Jena site, including mathematicians, physicists and computer scientists with doctorates.

Press releases

11. December 2020

With AI-based document verification against counterfeiters and fraudsters: ICO-LUX receives seed financing

High-Tech Gründerfonds invests in the Jena based InsurTech start-up ICO-LUX. The company pursues an innovative approach to detect insurance fraud automatically. With its self-learning software ICO-LUX can detect manipulation and forgery of digitized paper documents using computer vision and artificial intelligence. This benefits not only major customers in the insurance and financial sector, but also honest end customers. According to the Association of German Insurers, the insurance

Info & Contact


Hans-Knöll-Straße 6
07745 Jena

In portfolio

18. Sep 2020

Dominik Lohle

Principal / Authorized signatory