HTGF Events
The Art of Networking
Founders need strong networks to make their companies successful. The High-Tech Gründerfonds offers a series of high-quality start-up events where you can meet our investment managers, as well as investors, high-level industry representatives and influential partners from our network. Our events offer both founders and investors excellent opportunities to network with the right people.

Family Day
Save the Date: 19 and 20 May 2025, Berlin
Family Day
We look forward to the 19th HTGF Family Day! You can expect new formats and even more room for networking. The event serves as a platform for new ideas as well as great investment and cooperation opportunities.
Two days of inspiration and business
Gain fresh ideas, meet new people and share the latest tech trends!
We will once again be bringing together start-ups with investors, industry and partners from our global network. Let’s put our heads together and work on the challenges and opportunities of our time. Our programme promises to inspire you and give you plenty of networking opportunities.

Pitch Days
on focus topics – #digitalhealth #medtech #chemistry #lifesciences
Pitch Days
Together with our fund investors and partners, High-Tech Gründerfonds organizes Pitch Days on topics such as chemistry, life sciences, digital health and medtech.
- These pitch & networking events are aimed at start-ups and investors from the respective sectors to ensure a high level of expertise.
- Entrepreneurs have the opportunity to present their business ideas to selected investors.

HTGF Berlin Events
#networking #berlin #pitches
Virtual Pitch Feedback Session
Are you a founder, entrepreneur or researcher who wants to start your own company? Then join our 1:1 pitch session and get early feedback on your pitch from our investment managers, experienced founders or experts from our network.
Our Berlin team regularly organizes networking events for founders, investors, and other market partners to support the Berlin start-up ecosystem network across fund boundaries.

Business Angel Fireside Evening
Business Angel Fireside Evening
At our exclusive Business Angel Fireside Evening, business angels meet to share their valuable experiences in an informal and confidential environment.

VC Lunch
Hamburg & Cologne VC Lunch
The Hamburg VC Lunch is a platform to intensify the dialogue in the Hamburg VC community. Initiated by Johannes Weber, it regularly brings together numerous investment managers to network with old and new contacts.
At our Cologne VC Lunch investors from the region gather to network and discuss current trends and exciting deals. Please contact Johannes Dierkes or Maurice Kügler if you are interested in attending.

Private Investors Circle
#matching #networking #privateinvestors
Private Investors Circle
HTGF also organizes a unique matching and networking event on a biannual basis for a selected group of private investors. More than € 350 million have already been invested in the fund’s portfolio companies. The approximately 50 participants per event really appreciate the confidential setting and personal exchange with successful entrepreneurs.