Portfolio Finder

akirolabs, founded in 2021 by Michael Pleuger, Detlef Schultz, Christoph Flöthmann, and Tim Ergenzinger, develops and provides an AI powered SaaS platform for collaborative strategic procurement. akirolabs is based upon a world-class and industry proven strategic procurement process, methodology and toolkit, embedded into an intuitive cross-functional collaboration workflow and enriched with all relevant internal and external business insight. akirolabs’ unique approach delivers “Procurement Strategies with Value & Purpose” and a significantly broader and 4-5 times higher value contribution than traditional souring solutions.

Codetrails GmbH develops intelligent tools that facilitate knowledge transfer in software development teams. Using Big Data technology, they answer the question: How do I tell the machine what to do?

Data Virtuality’s data integration solutions enable detailed insights from real time and historical data with any BI tool. By combining data virtualization with an automated ETL engine, customers benefit from reducing their data integration effort by 80%.

Datarade's mission is to organize the universe of external data and make it easily accessible to organizations across the globe.
Datarade's platform empowers companies and data professionals to easily discover, compare, and connect with more than 1,500+ data providers across 80+ data categories. Enterprises - with hundreds of external data sources - use Datarade to track and optimize their external data spend, usage, and compliance. On the other side, the platform enables data providers to reach potential data customers and build trusted data partnerships.
Datarade was founded in Berlin in 2018 by Thani Shamsi, Florian Rösler, and Richard Hoffmann.

enexion secures enduring energy procurement cost and risk reductions for industry and medium sized businesses. Based on the innovative IT platform, enexion implements comprehensive energy procurement solutions for clients.

FINDIQ offers the first approach to intelligently exploit the outgoing knowledge of the mechanical engineering industry. For the first time, a new type of AI integrates knowledge management and an assistance system in a service software. It takes only 20 hours to digitize the knowledge of a machine, only 6 clicks to retrieve this knowledge for the right service solution. The speed and self-learning in the application will please not only large industrial companies, but also medium-sized machine manufacturers in particular.

Through data, software and operational support, GlassDollar provides a Venture Clienting OS that helps corporate innovators use startup solutions to achieve tangible impact — on their organization and the world. GD, founded in 2019 by Fabian Dudek, makes impactful technology accessible to corporations and generates revenue for startups. Customers include leading innovation units at BSH, Volkswagen, A2A, LG, MTU and Infineon. GlassDollar is backed by HTGF and a select group of value-adding angels, including Sigmar Gabriel, Brigitte Zypries, Peter Borchers, and Stefan Gross-Selbeck.

Implisense offers a solution for lead generation as well as cross- and upselling for B2B marketing and sales. Their self-developed company index, which is kept up-to-date on a day-to-day basis and stores information about several million companies in Germany is the foundation of their solution. Users can obtain access to this index via a Web-based interface and perform their own customer and market analysis. The solution can compute a target profile based on examples of a user’s existing customers. With the help of this profile the solution can recommend new potential customers as well as cross- and upselling opportunities immediately.

IPlytics offers an online-based market intelligence tool (IPlytics Platform) to analyze technology trends, market developments and a company’s competitive position. The underlying big data algorithm enables an intelligent linking, processing and visualization of comprehensive data sources such as e.g. patents, M&A deals, industry alliances or standards. With IPlytics Platform, users can easily navigate, analyze, and drill down into information enabling in-depth market analyses or a long term Monitoring of particular technologies or market segments.

Nordantech develops an intelligent project management software for enterprise transformations: Falcon. Falcon makes it possible to coordinate and manage complex projects in addition to the daily business in terms of milestones and financial effects through time-saving and clear-cut features. Falcon learns independently. Hence delays are detected early. Since Falcon can be used simultaneously in any number of departments and companies, especially management consultancies, holding companies and private equity firms enjoy Falcon.

Simreka is a data-driven simulation platform that accelerates materials and manufacturing process innovation using AI by empowering brands and manufacturers reducing their R&D cycles and time-to-market. Simreka’s core engine has been developed on the scientific research of its co founder, Dr. Akshay Patel. The platform with its intuitive and secure enterprise application stack integrates data from various sources and uses artificial intelligence to map and process huge data-sets of chemicals and materials property, reactions, manufacturing processes and supply chains, using proprietary algorithms.

Tomorrow Things is an intelligent automation platform that creates digital twins of technical assets. Complex, error-prone, and cost-intense manual integrations are being substituted by technology. Blueprints connect assets with the click of a mouse, so customers can collect and stream data for enhanced decision-making, improved operational efficiency, and optimized sustainability. The blueprint technology supports plug-and-produce and drives interoperability within the entire ecosystem. It allows for seamless integration of third-party applications on top of digitalized assets.

There are more than 25.000 standards for data exchange. wetransform makes it easy to integrate complex systems with its data-driven design and transformation platform and enables experts to create better specifications for data exchange.