About Codetrails (Exits) Exit

The complexity of software systems is steadily increasing. Be it large legacy systems or tomorrow’s hot technology, there’s one question all software developers ask themselves: How do I tell the machine what to do? Using Big Data, Codetrails GmbH provides an answer to this question to the 9 million Java programmers world-wide.

The intelligent development environment by Codetrails is based on a simple observation: Software developers spend much more time reading code than writing it. To reduce the time required to find ones way around in the code, Codetrails’ tools analyze existing code and extract from it the common patterns that showcase how other developers have solved a problem before. The tools then automatically present patterns matching the task at hand to the developer, so less time is spend search through code, documentation, or the Web.

But Big Data cannot only find solutions, but also common problems hidden in the code, as these also manifest themselves in patterns. The tools of Codetrails thus support not only knowledge transfer but also software quality assurance.

The use of Big Data is not limited to big teams, however. Codetrails’ simple-to-use tools support small teams and even single developers just as well. With a few mouse-clicks developers can start analysing and uncover the hidden gems in their codebase.

Press releases

28. November 2014

Big Data Makes Life Easier for Software Developers

Software systems not only pervade more and more industries, but they are also growing more and more complex. But regardless of whether software developers have to understand yesterday’s legacy systems or tomorrow’s hot technologies, one question is always the same: How do I tell the machine what to do? Using Big Data, the young company Codetrails GmbH answers this question for Java developers. High-Tech Gründerfonds funds the spin-off of TU Darmstadt to further Codetrails’ capabilities of

Info & Contact

Dr-Ing . Marcel Bruch


Robert-Bosch-Str. 7
64293 Darmstadt

In portfolio

17. Nov 2015 – 13. Jun 2019

Jens Baumgärtner

Principal / Authorized Signatory