About Scopis Exit

Research, development and marketing of high-precision laser-based endoscopic and microscopic measuring systems for different application of minimal invasive surgery. Our products intend to make surgical interventions safer while optimizing costs.

Press releases

24. February 2016

Scopis GmbH awarded the Fraunhofer Start-up Prize

On Tuesday, 23 February 2016, Scopis GmbH was awarded the Fraunhofer Startup Prize. The prize was established by the Fraunhofer Venture together with the High-Tech Gründerfonds and is worth 5,000 euros. It recognizes the current success and phenomenal development of the Fraunhofer spin-off on the international market for medical technology. Scopis GmbH is now active in more than 50 countries with its surgical navigation systems for minimally invasive surgery in the specialist areas of ENT, CMF,
19. November 2013

Scopis finances worldwide expansion with venture capital

Scopis GmbH (www.scopis.com) announces the successful conclusion of its Series A round financing. Investors in the young medical technology company from Berlin are the VC Fonds Technologie Berlin managed by the IBB Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH (venture capital company) and the Falk Strascheg Holding (EXTOREL) as new investors as well as existing shareholders High-Tech Gruenderfonds (HTGF) and Fraunhofer Society. "In conjunction with a  financing from the ProFIT programme by the Investitionsb
12. October 2010

Scopis GmbH receives start-up financing from High-Tech Gründerfonds

Laser-guided endoscopic 3D measuring intended to make surgical intervention safer and to optimise costs. Scopis GmbH, a spin-off from the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, has successfully concluded a start-up finance round with High-Tech Gründerfonds. At the beginning there was the idea to optimise the work processes of surgeons: Thanks to the innovation of Scopis GmbH, established in 2010, clinical complications during operations can now be reduced while

Info & Contact

Bartosz Kosmecki


Heinrich-Heine-Platz 10
10179 Berlin

In portfolio

16. Sep 2010 – 03. Nov 2017

Kay G. Balster

Principal / Authorized signatory