About POSpulse

POSpulse is the leading crowd based Shopper Insights Intelligence company, providing leading industry segments with more transparency and excellence to better market their products and services. With a panel of mobile shoppers and the proprietary app “ShopScout” POSpulse generates insights along the entire customer decision journey: at home, out-of-home and directly at the point of experience (POE). Thanks to a state-of-the-art analytics dashboard, the results are analyzed by industry experts making sense of shopper data and providing real-time quality and actionable recommendations. Their customers include among others Mondelēz International, Mars Petcare, Media Markt, STORCK and Vodafone.

Press releases

12. January 2016

Series A Financing: POSpulse receives seven-digit investment

Intermedia and Mobile Ventures invest in POSpulse  Further growth to be boosted by international expansion and enhancement of analytics platform POSpulse gathers shopper insights via smartphone in the stationary retail sector The point of sale analytics provider POSpulse (www.pospulse.com) once again attracts new investors: The young Berlin startup receives a seven-digit investment in a Series A financing round. Among the investors are Medien Union GmbH, one of Germany’s leading
15. December 2014

POSpulse receives second funding this year – High-Tech-Gründerfonds invests in retail-analytics company POSpulse

POSpulse provides Smart Data for retailers and brands: By utilising crowdsourcing POSpulse collects data from the shopper’s perspective at the point-of-sale and provides retailers and brands with detailed analysis and optimization proposals for their POS activities. For the first time it is possible to gain extensive and comprehensive knowledge and real-time insights into the real purchasing situation at the point of sale – whether it is the exeution of shopper promotions, product placements

Info & Contact

Dominic Blank


24Insights GmbH
Sonnenallee 223
12059 Berlin

In portfolio

01. Dec 2014