About LignoPure

LignoPure GmbH is a spin-off of the TU Hamburg that enables the valorization of Lignin, a byproduct of ethanol biorefineries and the pulp and paper industry, via a proprietary technology. The startup is pioneering in the use of lignin in care products and biobased high-performance materials. As key technology partner, LignoPure supports their customers in launching their own innovative and sustainable products by not only providing the tailored raw material but offering development services in the areas of material and life sciences.

Press releases

CoFounder LignoPure
18. January 2021

LignoPure secures € 2.2 Million seed round with High-Tech Gründerfonds, Innovationsstarter Fonds Hamburg GmbH (IFH) and Swiss Holding Tanovis AG

LignoPure invented a unique approach to replace plastics through utilization of wood waste and the team just closed its seed round with HTGF, IFH and Tanovis AG to scale its own technology for the transformation of lignin – a byproduct of the pulp and paper industries and biorefineries – into tailor made particles for life science applications and accelerate its market entry. Lignin is the second most abundant natural polymer on earth but has been so far underutilized or burned f

Info & Contact

Gilda Joana Gil Chavez


Harburger Schloßstraße 6-12 21079 Hamburg

In portfolio

09. Dec 2020

Dr. Nikolaus Raupp

Senior Investment Manager