HTGF Family Day goes Berlin: A look behind the scenes

HTGF Family Day is taking place in Berlin for the first time. In this interview, Stefanie Grüter, Partner Communications & Relations at HTGF, and Event Manager Maren Breuer reveal what our guests can expect on June 11 and 12 at STATION Berlin, what highlights are planned and what innovations there are.

Maren Breuer, Relationship Manager and Stefanie Grüter, Partner Communications & Relations

Can you tell us more about the idea behind the HTGF Family Day 2024? What is different this time around?
Stefanie Grüter: The Berlin location and the venue offer us and our guests new opportunities. We have significantly more space and can therefore respond even better to the individual interests and needs of our target groups. Two stages for keynotes, impulses, sessions, panels and pitches. Plus curated master classes, an exhibition area and sufficient space for important and confidential discussions and meetings. This wish has been expressed frequently in recent years. We want to offer concrete and sustainable added value with the program and new networking opportunities. After all, we are expecting up to 1,500 guests. We want them to go home with at least one concrete input for their business and new, valuable contacts.

So networking plays a crucial role?
Maren Breuer: The exchange between the various stakeholders of the startup ecosystem with industry and politics is important for driving innovation. For almost 20 years, we have been offering a platform for this with the HTGF Family Day. Our matchmaking tool enables participants to make targeted contacts with potential partners, investors and industry experts even before the event begins. This allows the event to be used optimally for meaningful interactions. Last year, more than 3,100 one-to-one meetings were created using our tool. We want to beat this record again this year. And, of course, there is also room for spontaneous encounters, e.g. in the exhibition area.

The agenda for this year’s event was recently published and promises some highlights. What should participants not miss?
Maren Breuer: We are offering many highlights, some of them in parallel, so our guests can put together their own program according to their individual interests from the extensive range on offer.  We are looking forward to welcoming AI expert Dr. Feiyu Xu, investor Daniel Gutenberg, Verena Pausder from Start-up Verband, Björn Tremmerie from the European Investment Fund and serial founder Miriam Wohlfarth as well as Ingrid Hengster, CEO Germany, Global Chairman Investment Banking at Barclays, Bernd Leukert, Chief Technology, Data and Innovation Officer at Deutsche Bank and Ingo Generalleutnant Ingo Gerhartz, Inspector of the German Air Force, among others. I am sure that their insights into important trends and pioneering technologies will inspire and inform participants. Sessions on topics such as AI, M&A and the regulatory environment are particularly relevant for participants looking for strategic and new insights. Discussions on topics such as New Space, ESG and Venture Clienting offer valuable insights. We are particularly looking forward to the speech by Federal Minister of Economics and Vice Chancellor Dr. Robert Habeck. We also welcome Heiko Thoms, State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Finance, and Anna Christmann, Federal Government Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Start-ups, from federal politics.

That sounds like a lot of input. What supporting program do you offer?
Maren Breuer: A special musical highlight awaits guests at the traditional Seed Club this time.  We also have something new: if you get up early, you can also get some exercise. On the morning of the second day of the event, all those interested can look forward to a joint running training session with long-distance runner Maciek Miereczko.

Another highlight will certainly be the opportunity to get to know start-ups from the HTGF portfolio. What is planned here?
Stefanie Grüter: There are over 70 pitches on the Innovation Stage. We have the advantage of a broad portfolio. Interested investors, but also representatives of companies who want to work with startups, will get to know highly interesting technologies and business models. From various areas such as deep tech, climate tech, medtech, pharma and digital tech. From AI solutions to quantum technologies and biotechnological advances. After all, HTGF is one of the most active investment funds in Europe in the fields of climate tech and quantum technology.

What do you want participants to take away from Family Day?
Stefanie Grüter:
We would be delighted if the participants leave the HTGF Family Day 2024 with a smile, new insights, contacts, ideas and perhaps even concrete to-dos. Whether it’s forging new partnerships, finding investment opportunities or gaining valuable insights into the technologies of the future: HTGF Family Day aims to provide an enriching experience for all.

26. June 2024

Looking back: HTGF Family Day 2024 in Berlin

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