Dr. Katharina Severin
Investment Manager
Katharina Severin joined the Life Science Team in September of 2021. She was born and raised in the Ruhr area and spent time in the US and Asia during her education. Among these stays was a one-year research stay in the lab of Tom Rapoport at Harvard Medical School in Boston. Katharina obtained her PhD in Medical Biology and received numerous scholarships and awards, among them stipends from the German National Academic Foundation and the Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard Foundation. Through networking opportunities from these foundations and as an attendee of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, Katharina discovered and cultivated her passion for interdisciplinary scientific exchange. Her research findings mark a starting point for a novel therapeutic approach in the treatment of cancer. Katharina is fascinated by entrepreneurial questions and is passionate about bringing scientific results and genious business ideas to profitable ventures.