Dr. Martin Pfister

Principal / Authorized Signatory

We are saddened that our long-time colleague and dear friend, Dr. Martin Pfister, passed away on Tuesday October 24th, 2023, after an insidious illness.

He was an example in many aspects: a sophisticated mind, an aesthete, a yogi, and a sportsman.

Highly educated, but always curious about what other people had to say. 

A friend to all.

We miss you very much.


Posts & mentions

16. March 2023

Successful exit for HTGF: Miltenyi Biotec acquires biosensor company lino Biotech

Zurich, March 16, 2023 – lino Biotech, a leading biosensor company and the world’s only provider of Focal Molography®, announced today it has been acquired by Miltenyi Biotec, a global biotech company based in Germany, on February 22, 2023. Since its founding in 2020, lino Biotech has made significant advances in developing new biosensors to facilitate quality control in bioprocessing, measuring viral load in cell & gene therapy manufacturing, and testing for off-target respo