Claudia Raber

Principal ESG

Claudia is currently helping to set up the sustainability (ESG) unit at HTGF.

She is a passionate networker who has amassed many years of experience. This includes founding her own, owner-run PR agency.

She became head of relationship management in 2009, and together with her team was responsible for maintaining the fund’s global network. This also involved various event formats, coordinating an international expert network and setting up the HTGF Academy. Claudia holds a degree in economics.


Posts & mentions

23. May 2024

More than just a “nice to have” – why diversity makes companies better

Start-ups with a good corporate culture tend to be more successful. This involves fulfilling ESG (environmental, social, governance) criteria as well as actively promoting diversity. We sat down for a chat with Claudia Raber, ESG Manager and Principal at HTGF, and Barbara Lutz, founder of the consulting firm FKi Diversity for Success and initiator of the Impact of Diversity Award. Claudia, you’re responsible for ESG at HGTF, together with Dr. Adrian Fuchs. What does ESG mean for a
20. November 2023

ESG at HTGF: Helping to drive sustainable innovations  

In this interview, Claudia Raber and Dr. Adrian Fuchs from our ESG team offer insights into their work and present High-Tech Gründerfonds’ (HTGF) recently published ESG Report. They talk about the importance of sustainability in the start-up world and show how we and our portfolio are actively contributing to a more sustainable future.  Our first ESG Report was recently published. What did it focus on?  Claudia: The ESG Report centred on our fourth fund generation, HTGF