About Sierra Sensors Exit

Sierra Sensors is combining state of the art label-free detection with cutting edge microfluidic sample delivery, sensor design, and automation, to supply researchers with high performance analytical biosensors.

Press releases

25. June 2018

Bruker takes over HTGF startup Sierra Sensors, rounding off the pharmaceutical research portfolio

Sierra Sensors’ biosensor technologies will from now on be distributed worldwide. Thanks to its innovative, patented sensor technologies, a portfolio company in the High-Tech Gründerfond (HTGF) has reached market maturity: USA’s Bruker Corporation has taken over Hamburg startup Sierra Sensors GmbH. Sierra Sensors develop and distribute biosensor-based analytical tools and materials for pharmaceutical research. In addition, the company combines innovative microfluidic (Hydrodynamic Isolat

Info & Contact


Falkenried 88
20251 Hamburg

In portfolio

23. Oct 2006 – 31. May 2018



Dr. Caroline Fichtner

Principal / Authorized Signatory