About Quobyte

Quobyte’s software-based storage system enables enterprises of all sizes to fulfill all their storage needs with one software-defined and unified storage platform running on off-the-shelf server hardware.

The product of Quobyte will allow service providers to compete with leading cloud services and help enterprise IT of all sizes to lower their TCO. As a pure software product vendor with a product that is independent from hardware, Quobyte is an attractive partner for a wide range of hardware vendors that can service everything from highly competitive standard use case to highly profitable niches.

Quobyte’s product, the Quobyte Unified Storage Plane (USP) decouples storage, users and applications from the physical hardware foundation in several ways:

  • It turns hardware into a deindividualized and exchangeable resource pool that all users can tap into in a policy-determined way. Limitations of individual hardware components become irrelevant.
  • A Quobyte deployment can be extended on the fly with with heterogeneous hardware resources to very large scales.
  • Due to its excellent fault tolerance, hardware faults do not have a direct influence the system’s service quality.

As a true software-defined storage system, the configuration of a Quobyte Unified Storage Plane is determined by powerful policy definitions. These policies can determine important parameters like data placement and can be used for example by customers to implement their own dynamic tiering mechanisms. All policies are enforced transparently without interrupting service.

As a unified storage system, Quobyte USP offers both standard file system access for the vast majority of existing applications as well as block and object storage capabilities for virtual machines and web Services.

Quobyte was founded in 2013 by former Google employees Felix Hupfeld and Björn Kolbeck. Before, both have done innovative research in distributed and storage systems at the Zuse Institute Berlin in context of the research file system XtreemFS. With the operational experience from Google and the research insights from XtreemFS, they decided to build an highly reliable and scalable enterprise-grade storage system that runs on commodity hardware.

Quobyte combines recent distributed systems research with proven concepts for large-scale systems. With its scalability, reliability and automation, Quobyte builds the foundation for next generation warehouse-scale datacenters.


Press releases

16. September 2014

Target Partners and HTGF provide multimillion financing for Quobyte

Target Partners (www.targetpartners.de) and High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) have invested a seven-figure Euro amount in Quobyte Inc. in a Series A financing round (www.quobyte.com). Quobyte is headquartered in Boston (USA) with R&D in Berlin. Quobyte develops and markets the Quobyte Unified Storage Plane (USP), a software-defined storage system that runs on commodity Linux servers. Quobyte USP enables customers to build cloud infrastructures with a quality equal to the big cloud providers suc

Info & Contact

Björn Kolbeck


Quobyte Inc.
4633 Old Ironsides Dr #150
Santa Clara, CA 94087

Hardenbergplatz 2
10623 Berlin

In portfolio

30. Sep 2013

Romy Schnelle

Managing Director