About Nebula Biocides

Nebula Biocides GmbH was founded in 2019 as a spin-off from the Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP) by the scientists Dr. Jörn Winter, Dr. Ansgar Schmidt-Bleker and the director of INP Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Weltmann. With the aim of providing comprehensive protection against infectious pathogens, the company develops application-oriented disinfection solutions that reliably kill not only bacteria and viruses but also persistent bacterial spores.

Press releases

Nebula Team
10. November 2021

Nebula Biocides receives millions in seed funding

Great success for Nebula Biocides GmbH: Three investors decide to invest in the Greifswald-based start-up company. This brings the business a major step closer to its goal of obtaining approval for the highly effective disinfectant Sporosan® and finally placing it on the market. Greifswald, 10.11.2021 – With a total investment of 1.6 million euros, the start-up Nebula Biocides, founded in 2019, can now really take off: The approval of the novel disinfection process Sporosan® is suppo

Info & Contact

Managing Directors: Dr. Jörn Winter, Dr. Ansgar Schmidt-Bleker
+49 (0) 3834-550701


Nebula Biocides GmbH
Brandteichstraße 20
17489 Greifswald

In portfolio

20. Sep 2021



Dr. Nikolaus Raupp

Senior Investment Manager