About Mindance Exit

The Leipzig startup was founded in 2017 by Robin Maier, Lukas Stenzel and David Schumann and shortly afterwards was accepted to the SpinLab Startup Accelerator. Since then, clients such as BOSCH and AOK PLUS have been acquired. At the end of last year, a cooperation agreement was also concluded with a German health insurance company. MINDANCE clients thus receive a financial subsidy of up to 100% for the use of MINDANCE. This year this model is to be rolled out on a large scale in cooperation with other health insurance companies.

Press releases

31. January 2020

Mental fitness for office: MINDANCE digitizes mental wellbeing in companies and receives a seven-figure sum in seed financing

Ever more companies recognize that the mental fitness status of their employees is mission critical in achieving strategic and operational goals. Employees who care about their mental fitness show higher motivation, satisfaction and hence work more efficiently. First, this leads to positive effects on the employees themselves and second it generates considerable competitive advantages for employers.For the first time, the MINDANCE platform provides its customers with a tailor-made pack

Info & Contact

+49 176 62 40 36 90


Birkenstraße 6
04177 Leipzig

In portfolio

– 19. Mar 2021