About HQ plus Exit

HQ plus – the new generation of competitive intelligence for hotels.

Press releases

22. May 2013

High-Tech Gruenderfonds invests in a competition monitoring tool for hotels

HQ plus developed competition monitoring tool and closes its first round of financing with the High-Tech Gruenderfonds. The tool helps the hotel owners to adjust their room rates based on price changes in the local competition and market anomalies. HQ plus GmbH is on road to success with its web-based competition monitoring solution (www.hqplus.eu). HQ plus shows the hotel owner at a glance how his room rates are compared to his competitors for the next 365 days. Its customers includes inter

Info & Contact

Roland Hehn


Claire-Waldoff-Straße 1
10117 Berlin

In portfolio

17. Dec 2012 – 28. Mar 2024



Jens Baumgärtner

Principal / Authorized Signatory