About H.C. Carbon Exit

H. C. Carbon develops and produces tailor-made products, which allow to replace metals by plastic materials. Further application is possible for paint/varnish, lubricant and production of batteries.

Exit since June 2015.

Press releases

21. September 2009

The High-Tech Gründerfonds and Bayern Kapital take over shares of H.C. Carbon

With graphite based additives to substitute metals – this material innovation powers the H.C. Carbon Company located in Nuremberg. H.C. stands for High Competence in carbon, the base material of the additives. By refining and adding of the additives the enterprise makes plastics and plastic coatings more stable, gives them a substantially higher electrical and thermal conductivity and isolation ability and improves mechanical properties as well as the flowing behaviour, viscosity and wear rat

Info & Contact

Werner Handl


Ziegelstraße 7
91126 Rednitzhembach

In portfolio

12. Aug 2009 – 26. Jun 2015



Kay G. Balster

Principal / Authorized signatory