About Erium

Erium GmbH was founded in 2019 and is based at the “gate” technology and start-up centre in Garching near Munich. The company currently has 10 employees and is a leader in technology for the optimisation of complex processes using AI. With its software solution HALerium, Erium is helping people from various disciplines to create their own AI models without needing to be data scientists. Erium is thus making machine learning accessible for all and helping people to overcome complexities.

Press releases

29. April 2020

Using artificial intelligence to optimise manufacturing processes: High-Tech Gründerfonds and Bayern Kapital invest in Erium

High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF), Germany’s largest seed investor, together with Bayern Kapital, the venture capital company for the State of Bavaria, has invested a seven-figure sum in Munich-based IT start-up Erium as part of a seed financing round. SAR Elektronic GmbH is also on board as a co-investor. Erium’s software solution HALerium is used to model and optimise highly complex production and assembly processes using small volumes of data in a transparent and comprehensible w

Info & Contact



Lichtenbergstraße 8
85748 Garching bei München

In portfolio

20. Jan 2020

Gregor Haidl

Principal / Authorized signatory