About EnShape Exit
EnShape GmbH develops, produces and sells highly accurate and very fast 3D sensors, which simplify manifold automation task or even make such possible for the first time.
Purchaser: Cognex
Exit since October 2016.
Press releases
High-Tech Gründerfonds invests in EnShape: Accurate and Rapid 3D-Measurement for Industrial Automation
High accuracy and a high rate of measurement rolled into one system? These combined properties are often desired yet not found in available sensors on the market. Currently, industrial users have to choose between fast and inaccurate or slow and accurate 3D-sensors. EnShape developed a sensor technique which enables full-field measurements with high accuracy and a high rate of measurement. The innovative sensor therefore allows 100 percent inline-inspection at the rate of production. High-Tech G
Info & Contact
Moritz-von-Rohr-Straße 1A
07745 Jena
07745 Jena
In portfolio
05. Mar 2015 – 27. Oct 2016