About Compositence Exit

Compositence, a University of Stuttgart spin-off, offers innovative platform technology combining the fully automatic and low-cost mass production of composite components with maximum flexibility in the fibre architecture.

Exit since January 2017.

Press releases

22. August 2017

Compositence GmbH gains GON Holding as strategic partner

Chinese advanced material manufacturer GON Holding takes majority stake in Compositence Compositence GmbH, specializing in innovative Preforming Technologies for Carbon, Glass and other fibre types and supplier of tailored preforms wins Chinese advanced material manufacturer as a new strategic partner for its future development. High-Tech Gründerfonds and MBG Mittelständische Beteiligungsgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg have been supporting Compositence growth by initial funding in 2009.
29. April 2013

Compositence GmbH Secures Further Growth Through Capital Increase

Compositence GmbH, specializing in solutions for cost-effective serial production using carbon and glass fibers, has acquired an increase in capital. The company has gained Zukunftsfonds Heilbronn as a new lead investor; the holding company Mittelständische Beteiligungsgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg (MGB) and venture capitalist High-Tech Gründerfonds are contributing further capital. The innovation of Compositence is a production process with which components made of high-performance fiber
9. June 2011

Capital for innovative carbon processing technology from Stuttgart

The company Compositence GmbH is set to play a major role in providing broader applications for carbon-fibre components. This promises to not only benefit the environment but also to enable sustainable company growth. Joint financing through High-Tech Gründerfonds and the Seedfonds Baden-Württemberg represents a further step towards industrial applications for the innovative engineered products company. The company's innovative concept is a process technology for processing carbon fibres. T

Info & Contact


Mollenbachstraße 25
71229 Leonberg

In portfolio

07. Jun 2011 – 27. Jan 2017