About agriportance

agriportance is a Münster-based biomethane start-up that specialises in monitoring sustainability certification and buying and selling biomethane. Using greenhouse gas software, producers can create their carbon footprint on a monthly basis according to the strict requirements of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED). In addition, the software provides mass balances and enables secure and easy document storage and preparation. In a fair and efficient matchmaking process, agriportance brings producers and buyers of biomethane together, usually for a period of 7 years. The founding team around Henning Dicks and Thorsten Rohling, together with currently 10 employees and a large number of customers, has been pursuing its vision of displacing heavy oil, diesel and natural gas from shipping and heavy goods transport with the green alternative biomethane since 2021.

Press releases

15. December 2022

agriportance secures seed funding to replace fossil natural gas with biomethane

Münster, 15.12.2022 – Biomethane start-up agriportance raises a seven-figure sum in a seed round from seed investor High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) and business angels. The founding team will use the fresh money to accelerate the product’s digitalisation and its launch on the European market. The current energy supply crisis affects the political and ecological climate. More and more people are calling for reforms and innovations because of the skyrocketing oil and gas prices.

Info & Contact

Henning Dicks, Co-founder


Mendelstraße 11
48149 Münster

In portfolio

15. Dec 2022

Christian Arndt

Principal / Authorized signatory