Phillip Krüger


Philipp is Growth Capital Investor with HANIEL. In his role, Philipp is responsible for sourcing and executing investments into early-stage start-ups and supporting existing portfolio companies on their growth journey. At HAHNIEL, Philipp focuses exclusively on start-ups within the ClimateTech space that provide a positive impact on our planet. Recent investments Philipp was responsible for include the co-lead Series A into 1KOMMA5°, a leading Solar PV and energy system installation aggregator.

Philipp has 7+ years of experience in the investment industry both as an investor and previously as an M&A investment banker having worked with leaders and management of start-ups, established businesses, and financial investors alike spanning a wide range of industries.

Prior to starting his career, Philipp earned a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Chemistry and Business Administration from the University of Düsseldorf and University of Technology, Sydney.