
Round A investment closed for Multiphoton Optics GmbH’s High-Precision 3D Lithography Platform

A consortium of investors has closed investment Round A for Multiphoton Optics GmbH’s High-Precision 3D Lithography Platform which closes the gap between classical 3D printing and optical lithography. Investors are Sack & Kiesselbach GmbH, High-Tech Gründerfonds GmbH, Bayern Kapital GmbH, the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft e.V. and a consortium of Business Angels with Dr. Ruth Houbertz, Dr. Moritz Esslinger, and Dr. Boris More …

HTGF Exit Multiphoton Optics

Merger of Heidelberg Instruments and Multiphoton Optics strengthens German competitiveness in the international micro-optics market Multiphoton Optics GmbH has become a wholly owned subsidiary of Heidelberg Instruments Mikrotechnik GmbH. The pooling of development capabilities and technologies for producing microstructures further underscores the global importance of research, development and production of direct-writing laser systems “Made in Germany”. The merger also extends More …

High-Tech Gründerfonds, Fraunhofer Venture and Dr. Boris Neubert invest in the 3D-lithography company Multiphoton Optics GmbH

Multiphoton Optics develops and sells 3D Laser Lithography Equipment which enables its customers to automate its opto-electronic assembly lines for the production of optical packages. Three-dimensional optical interconnects are fabricated to connect Silicon or III/V Photonic Chips to enable low-cost manufacture of optical packages. The equipment allows to flexibly produce arbitrarily shaped three-dimensional structures with highest precision. Driven by a More …

Multiphoton Optics

Multiphoton Optics develops 3D printers for the serial production of optical components with previously unattainable precision.