About Yatta Solutions

Yatta is all about development and evolution. Founded as a developer tool company, it pivoted to digital B2B commerce—and now helps vendors monetize and sell digital products.
Streamlining all aspects of the digital sales and purchase process, the Yatta Platform goes above and beyond mere payments—it includes a federated IAM for user acquisition and authentication, a licensing toolbox with legal templates and a license system, vendor/user/customer backends for everything from product listing to subscription handling or license pooling, as well as Yatta Checkout with integrated invoicing and payment handling.
In short: the Yatta Platform provides everything vendors need to monetize and sell digital products. Ultimately, the team aspires to help build the next digital B2B unicorns.

Press releases

10. July 2009

High-Tech Gründerfonds invests in Yatta Solutions GmbH

Yatta Solutions GmbH, a specialist in model-driven software development has secured the High-Tech Günderfonds as an investor. Yatta Solutions develops and distributes UML Lab, a software development tool which offers a complete, automatic and error-free alignment of source code and models (or diagrams) for the first time ever. The model view remains the same throughout software implementation without the need for time-consuming manual maintenance of the software design. Thus the introduction of

Info & Contact

Johannes Jacop


Universitätsplatz 12
34131 Kassel

In portfolio

08. May 2009

Romy Schnelle

Managing Director