About Vertama

Vertama specialises in accelerating manual workflows by designing and implementing accessible, digital micro-processes in existing system environments. With its in-house developed platform for innovative web applications and a comprehensive toolkit of different modules, Vertama quickly implements flexible and scalable solutions.

Press releases

12. July 2023

Vertama raises seven-figure seed funding for efficient, digital healthcare processes

Berlin, 12 July 2023 – Vertama digitises medical reporting processes in the hospital environment, transforming time-consuming manual work into efficient, partially fully automated processes. Led by High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF), Berlin Angel Fund and renowned business angels are jointly investing in the seed round of the Berlin-based start-up. Following the philosophy of developing accessible services that can be easily implemented in existing systems as scalable products, Vertama

Info & Contact


Vertama GmbH
Am Treptower Park 75
12435 Berlin

In portfolio

12. Jul 2023