
About iATROS Exit

iAtros is a digital heart clinic and a fully integrated platform, providing better medical care for patients with cardiovascular problems around the clock. Among other services, iATROS offers smart sensor diagnosis, a vital parameter data base, therapy- and medication regimes as well as teledoctor services.
Cardiologists Prof. Dr. med. Alexander Leber and Dr. med Georges von Degenfeld and eHealth entrepreneur Patrick Palacin founded iATROS in 2019. Former Sky executive and communications expert Prof Wolfram Winter and former AOK Berlin finance director Jens Schäfer are the co-founders.

Press releases

12. November 2020

Digital therapies ready for take off

The first apps available via prescription have made it into reimbursement; the next ones are awaiting approval. Is digital medicine about to make a breakthrough in Germany? 15 months after the start of the Digital Healthcare Act, start-ups, health insurance companies, authorities and investors take stock of the situation: What are still the biggest challenges? Which business models can digital therapies offer in the long term? The current issue of the MedTech Radar publication takes a look b
9. March 2020

High-Tech Gründerfonds and Bayern Kapital invest in digital cardiology clinic iATROS

As part of a two million euro seed financing round, High-Tech Gründerfonds invests in the Munich-based iATROS GmbH, along with co-investors Bayern Kapital and several business angels. iATROS, a digital health start-up, has developed a telemedicine solution, which enables data-driven treatment of cardiology patients. The target group of the iATROS solution comprises both clinics and the patients themselves. The funds of the seed round will be used to expand the company’s staff and drive th

Info & Contact


Görresstraße 20
80798 München

In portfolio

15. Jan 2020

Kay G. Balster

Principal / Authorized signatory