Doctorflix Gründer

About Doctorflix

Founded by Dr. Hans Lennartz and Leopold von Schultzendorff, Doctorflix combines extensive experience and deep understanding of the medical and technological sectors to transform medical education. With a broad spectrum of content including on-demand videos, live events, articles, and podcasts, Doctorflix enables healthcare professionals to translate theoretical knowledge into practical application. By fostering a community of learning, Doctorflix allows doctors to share insights, learn from one another, and earn Continuing Medical Education (CME) points through engagement with the content.

Press releases

Doctorflix Gründer
27. June 2023

Doctorflix Secures €2 Million Seed Funding to Re-think Continuous Medical Education

Doctorflix, a next-generation e-learning platform re-thinking the consumption and exchange of medical knowledge, has announced the successful completion of a €2 million seed funding round. The funds raised will be strategically allocated for the extension of product offerings, the growth of the team, and the development of the platform, to continue the mission of simplifying and democratising medical knowledge by interlinking doctors, hospitals, and industry players. The seed round was

Info & Contact


Brunnenstraße 5
10119 Berlin

Kilian von Berlichingen

Senior Investment Manager