About Applanga Exit

Applanga is the product of Mbaas Development Gmbh, operating out of Berlin, Germany. Founded in the midth of 2013 by Christian Stanke und Steffen Römer, Mbaas is focused on developing and selling the Applanga localization platform for app developers. Localization, the translation of software into other languages, is so far a highly manual process that now can be automated with the Applanga platform, making it easier, faster and cheaper to internationalize apps - a matter of days instead of months. With 2.9 million registered mobile app developers and yearly spendings of $11,37 billions for software localization, Applanga covers an attractive market segment with promising revenue potential.

Press releases

20. May 2014

embraase secures funding for real-time optimization of mobile apps

The Berlin-based startup embraase collects a six-digit investment from High-Tech Gruenderfonds (HTGF) and Axel Springer for its A/B testing and personalization platform for mobile apps. The capital will be used for further product development and distribution setup. There are as much as 2.5 million mobile apps available on the digital distribution platforms of Apple (iOS) and Google (Android) while up to 7,500 new ones are released every day. The competition for the users´ attention is alrea

Info & Contact


Mbaas Development GmbH
Frankfurter Allee 53
10247 Berlin

In portfolio

16. Apr 2014 – 18. Dec 2018

Jens Baumgärtner

Principal / Authorized Signatory