About UROTEC Exit
UroTec’s MukoCell® made of autologous, in vitro cultured mucosa cells. Only a small biopsy needs to be taken from the patient.
Exit since August 2010.
Press releases
UroTec GmbH gains strategic partner – Profitable exit for High-Tech Gründerfonds and Technologiegründerfonds Sachsen
APOGEPHA Arzneimittel GmbH has, as strategic investor, purchased a majority stake in UroTec GmbH, acquiring the shares from the previous shareholders.
The rich-in-tradition, Saxony-based APOGEPHA pharmaceuticals company is an established producer of urology drugs and the ideal partner for the innovative UroTec company. UroTec is a biotechnology company established in 2005, which produces tissue replacement from the patient’s own cells to reconstruct diseased urinary organs.
Sören Liebig

Info & Contact
Budapester Str.3
01069 Dresden
01069 Dresden
In portfolio
14. Feb 2008 – 25. Aug 2010
Marco Winzer